Acupressure for Back Pain

Some of my favorite acupressure points.

As we officially start summer I have been hearing a lot of my clients talk about getting active again.  And sometimes, we tend to go a bit overboard, either doing something really intensely or doing too much of it.  Sometimes it can be as simple as wearing cute sandals too long and our feet weren’t ready for the decrease in support. Or we’re more active in the garden since the sun is shining bright.  I personally can attest to doing both of these.  

Of course there are the typical recommendations - be sure to stay hydrated, stretch, do an epsom salt soak, and trigger point massage.  I am going to add one more for you today.  Acupressure. 

Acupuncture points on the hand are great at treating new and acute pain (among MANY other things).  They are also super easy to reach which makes it simple to treat yourself.

Quick tips: 

  • Apply pressure to the hand on the opposite side of your pain.  So if the left side of your neck is sore, press the following points on your right hand.  

  • Rather than using just static pressure, make little circles. 

  • Although the point descriptions are specific, find the most tender spot in the area and apply pressure there. 

  • If the point is really tender, limit pressure to a 7/10 on the pain scale.

  • The points closer to the wrist are more apt to treat lower body pain while the points closer to the fingertips are more likely to help relieve upper body pain.  However, both points in a group help each other, so press both of them. 

  1. Ling gu + Da Bai (aka Spirit Bone + Great White)

These two are some of my favorite points because they are so versatile.  They are found on the top of your hand, along the metacarpal bone of the index finger. Really any tender point in the webbing between the thumb and index finger will work well. These two points are very broad in the type and location of pain that they treat.  Although not pictured, there are 2 points located on the palm side of these points that are excellent at relieving upper back and neck pain.

Ling gu (spirit bone) + Da Bai (great white)

2. Zhong Bai + Xia Bai (Middle White and Lower White)

Zhong bai and Xiao Bai are located between the metacarpals of the 4th and 5th fingers.  They are great at treating pain that the sides of the body.  Think: outer hip pain, or pain that goes down the outside of your leg. Even outer foot and ankle pain.  

Zhong Bai + Xia Bai (Middle White and Lower White)

3. Hou Xi  SI3 + Wan Shun Er (Back Ravine + Wrist prosperous 2)

The name Hou Xi / Back Ravine refers to the spinal column.  So this pairing of points is really great from midline back pain as well as sciatic that travels down the back of the legs. It can also help to relieve posterior knee pain.  

Hou Xi  SI3 (Back Ravine) + Wan Shun Er (Wrist prosperous 2)

As always, if you have any questions, reach out! We're always happy help. 

Happy summer!
Kathryn + Mary


Having Fun.


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