Having Fun.

Fun has been a theme in my world lately. Within my professional career, I have heard many times, “just have fun with it.”  But it was only recently that the words really sank in.  I have often found fun in following a map or logical steps. Now, I’m being challenged to have fun without structure. It seems odd to struggle to have fun, but not new.  

When my kids were younger, the advice is all about making it fun to get things done. I had to research specific examples of how to do this! One of our go-to games for getting ready for bed or getting dressed in the morning is for me to pretend to be a robot.  Said robot, would instruct the kids to get ready incorrectly. They thought this was hilarious and would proceed to not listen to the robot, but actually get themselves all set. 

Making the most of life

Photo credit: CottonBro studio

There are many things in life that are really quite serious. I bet that if we were to bring a little play, creativity, wonder into more areas of life, we could crack open a whole new realm of possibilities. Fun seems to me to give a real freedom to think outside of the box, rather than just talking about it. Out of curiosity, how do you make sure that you bring more fun into your day? And especially to more serious, mundane or everyday situations? 

Personally, I find that I can have more fun and more joy in my life when I am feeling balanced and my body is functioning optimally.  These days, I do that through getting acupuncture and theta treatments.  Reach out if you want in on it too!

Find the beauty and joy in your daily rituals and you will find beauty and joy in your daily life. To love your habits is to love your days, and to love your days is to love your life.
— James Clear

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