We need connection, in the form good relationships, more important than we think, but it doesn’t have to take as much effort as we think either.

The Power of Adding 1 Small Habit
We all know that there are things we could do to improve our health. And I would argue that we know WHAT many of the changes are. When we think about doing all of those, it’s too overwhelming. If we choose just one goal, make it really simple, we’re more likely to achieve it and make it a habit.

Quick tips to avoid sore muscles.
It is officially spring and I can really feel that strong spring energy. You’ve probably felt it even if you haven’t had a name for it. It’s the energy to get up and get moving, to start doing and creating. It’s the energy behind spring cleaning and well, overdoing it. If you too are guilty of over doing it, here are a few things that you can do that might be able to help out.

Your Health. Your Power. Relieve Neck Pain.
I have been seeing a lot of clients who are looking for relief from neck pain this month. I want you to have the power to make improvements in your own health. So, I’ve written down a few acupressure points that you can massage when you neck is not allowing you the freedom to do what you want.