Science, acupuncture + space...
Acupuncture Kathryn Coppola Acupuncture Kathryn Coppola

Science, acupuncture + space...

How does acupuncture actually work? We don’t know exactly how acupuncture works, from a western medicine perspective that is. There are many theories. However, they are just that, theories.  And none of these scientific theories really encompass all that acupuncture can do.

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The magic within acupuncture.
Wellness, Acupuncture Kathryn Coppola Wellness, Acupuncture Kathryn Coppola

The magic within acupuncture.

Mary and I were talking about the magic of acupuncture. It feels like it is not something that I, as an acupuncturist, should be saying; that what I do is magic. I feel this way because it almost seems as though I am de-legitimizing the medicine. Magic is not science, magic is hocus pocus. But if we're to be fully honest, acupuncture is a black box effect. We don't really understand the science of when we put a needle in a very specific point how, from a western medical perspective, how it actuates the change that we see - less pain, more energy, better focus, a sense of calmness... Magic seems to be a way of explaining how something works when we don't understand it yet.

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Searching for better sleep
Acupuncture, Wellness Kathryn Coppola Acupuncture, Wellness Kathryn Coppola

Searching for better sleep

Sleeping through the night, feeling rested are all important to your health and can be super frustrating when it doesn’t come easily. Without a good night’s rest, even a small problem can seem insurmountable!

In the clinic, I recommend to my patients some simple dietary modifications. By increasing your intake of specific nutrients, and eliminating hidden stimulants, you can develop better sleep patterns. If you’ve not been sleeping well for a while, you probably have tried these tips and others. Acupuncture and/or herbs might be the trick.

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Quick tips to avoid sore muscles.
Advice, Wellness Kathryn Coppola Advice, Wellness Kathryn Coppola

Quick tips to avoid sore muscles.

It is officially spring and I can really feel that strong spring energy. You’ve probably felt it even if you haven’t had a name for it.  It’s the energy to get up and get moving, to start doing and creating.  It’s the energy behind spring cleaning and well, overdoing it. If you too are guilty of over doing it, here are a few things that you can do that might be able to help out. 

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