How often do I need acupuncture?
Take a deeper look into what goes into how often we recommend you have acupuncture.

Does Health Insurance Cover Acupuncture?
Understand the complexities of how to have your health insurance cover for acupuncture treatments.

Does acupuncture work?
Does acupuncture work? Yes.
Does acupuncture work for pain? Yes.
Does acupuncture work for acute pain from injury? Yes. What about chronic pain? Yes.
Back Pain? Knee pain? Neck pain? Back pain? Hip pain? Shoulder pain? Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
What about for pain where we don’t know the source? Can acupuncture help that? Yes.
And can acupuncture help for emotional pain like stress and anxiety? Yes.

What’s an acupuncture treatment like?
This is the question I often get once someone finds out that I’m an acupuncturist. Their question is full of curiosity as well as hesitation. Many people find acupuncture mysterious, foreign and often assume untrue things about it. Today I thought I would shed light onto what an acupuncture treatment is really like, and why people who are “needle phobic” even end up so relaxed during the treatment that they take a nap.