Does acupuncture help with pain...

I relieve pain. That is my broad speciality. Here is a list of the pain I helped to relieve today.

Back pain 
Neck pain 
Jaw pain 
Knee pain 
Buttock pain
Shoulder pain 
Headache pain 
Menstrual cramp pain 

Once your pain decreases, even a little, it allows you to have more energy, better focus, better sleep and a better mood.  In short, with a little relief you have a better quality of life. 

Acupuncture can help with the following types of pain:

  • Chronic pain

  • Acute pain (the sooner you come in, the easier it is to treat!)

  • Dull, achy pain

  • Intense pain

  • Low level pain

  • Constant pain

  • Pain that ebbs and flows

  • Fixed pain

  • Pain that moves from one area to another

  • Pain where there is a clear reason for it.

  • Pain that is without an etiology.

No matter what type of pain you struggle with, it sucks. And I truly hope that you find some relief, whether it's through acupuncture with us or some other modality somewhere else. Feel free to reach out if you're curious about how our treatments might be able to help you personally.